March 5th, 6th & 7th 2026 in Evenementenhal Gorinchem

M2 Academy

M2 Academy

About us

M2 academy offers various courses within oral care. In our view, continuing education is of great value to your practice. M2 academy has been providing internal training for the practice assistants of M2 dentists for 22 years. Since 2013, we have been sharing our knowledge, expertise and experience in training skilled assistants. We have already trained more than 1400 assistants.

The high degree of applicability of our training courses in practice and the high rating prove the success of our approach.

All our courses and training are accredited by the Q quality mark. The Prevention Assistant training is also recognized by the Register Prevention Assistants.

M2 academy is part of the quality assurance within M2 dentists. From the very beginning, since 1985, M2 dentists has been involved in the internal training of its employees. M2 academy-intern has provided training within M2 dentists for the past 35 years. Due to the enthusiasm about the concept and the demand from fellow dentists, M2 academy-external, Van Professionals, Voor Professionals, was created in 2013. M2 academy will open its doors to colleagues in January 2013, making the knowledge and expertise of the past 35 years available!

Our new training institute will be opened in September 2017, equipped with a lab room with twelve treatment chairs and an inspiring lecture room. In our training institute, individual attention is number 1. The evaluations, the average rating for our courses/training is 9.2, shows the success of our approach.

High-quality dentistry encompasses all kinds of specialties and differentiations. Dentists who want to offer comprehensive care at a high level must therefore work together in dental teams. Working in a team is not enough. New techniques and insights follow each other at a rapid pace. That is why the various team members must always keep up to date with their specialist knowledge. This requires continuous training and further training under the motto: lifelong learning. The BIG Act gives dentists the opportunity to transfer certain tasks and actions to qualified skilled personnel.

Our training and courses are supervised by dental implantologist Jacqueline Strooband, partner M2 dentists and founder M2 academy, who, together with the team of M2 academy, has developed the training programs with the aim of offering training From Professionals, For Professionals!

M2 academy is continuously improving and adapting the training/courses to the needs of the practice. We do this through your feedback and a proven quality system. In addition, the education and courses are up-to-date and based on current scientific developments.

Our training/courses: Dentist assistent, Prevention Assistant, Paro Prevention Assistant, Anesthesia, X-ray for Assistants, Cofferdam, Update Prevention Assistant, Updata Paro Prevention Assistant, Update X-ray, Practice management.


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