14, 15 & 16 maart 2024 in RAI Amsterdam

Fresh Tandartsen

Fresh Unieke Mondzorg

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“Unique oral care with a heart”

Fresh Unique Mouth Care (FUM) is especially for care-dependent, vulnerable people such as the elderly, the disabled and psychiatric patients. We use mobile teams to visit them in their own living environment: nursing home, care institution, residential group or at home (via home care). Personal attention is just as important to us as expert oral care.

We listen carefully to the client, family and carers and put together a personal care plan for each client. We build a relationship of trust with all our clients and we take their wishes and (financial) possibilities into account.

At Fresh Unieke Mondzorg we work from the heart. We are 100% committed to improving our clients’ oral health – and thus their quality of life.

We believe that everyone has the right to good oral care. As a professional group, we must jointly take the responsibility of continuing to monitor patients who are out of the picture due to old age, illness or psychological problems. We offer colleagues support in this; with conferences, articles, courses and training.

In addition, we offer our services on a voluntary basis to organizations (such as the Salvation Army) that are committed to making a better life possible for people with complex problems; homeless, ex-addicts, illegal immigrants, etc..

Would you like more information about a possible collaboration? Or an appointment? Please contact info@freshuniekemondzorg.nl or 085 – 04 34 806.

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